Your Health Is Wealth

Your Health is Wealth

a space and community designed to help you shift towards living a more conscious lifestyle


Here at Your Health is Wealth, we offer a wide variety of enjoyable fitness programs for groups and individuals of any age and fitness level.

Our services are aimed at helping & motivating the local community.

When you ask yourself what your most valued asset is, does your health come first to mind?

At this modern day and age, health is no longer our immediate focus and priority and it does not receive the love and attention that it deserves.


Your Health is Wealth is a space and community designed to help you shift towards living a more conscious lifestyle providing mentoring, coaching, motivation, education and empowering services for you and your family to live life healthier, happier, longer, and stronger.



Your Health is Wealth is a space and community designed to help you shift towards living a more conscious lifestyle providing mentoring, coaching, motivation, education and empowering services for you and your family to live life healthier, happier, longer, and stronger.

What We Offer

Cut the BS Challenge

This program requires a tough mental, physical and emotional commitment for the entire 42 days. Support, motivation, accountability, education, camaraderie and morale are key factors that make this challenge what it is.


Conscious Living Program

This program will coach, educate and guide you towards living a more conscious lifestyle. There are no requirements except for an open heart and mind to invite wonderful life changing experiences.

what you'll learn
YHIW Movement


We, as living humans, are designed to move; sedentary lifestyles are a guaranteed path towards poor physical health. The loss of mobility and strength weaken our physical structure and welcome all associated diseases.

YHIW Mindset


Mindset is what shapes our lives and decision-making through either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Those of us that think with a growth mindset are open minded to ideas and challenges and are always ready for something new.

YHIW Lifestyle


Lifestyle is a way of life established by society, culture, groups or individual. These range from patterns of behavior, interaction, consumption, work, activity and interests that describes how you spend your time on a day-to-day basis.

YHIW Stress Management


Your longevity is heavily influenced by three factors: your lifestyle choices, environment and lastly genetics. Do not be fooled into believing that your genetics predetermine your entire life’s health outcomes, this is a fallacy.
